Thomas EH Walter on muuw consulting
Klaus Bräuer (muuw consulting) facilitated the management workshop (12 participants) for my division. Why did I choose Klaus Bräuer? There were several reasons for this: He is very experienced, he knows how to deal with critical situations, he adds momentum, guides participants such that they can achieve a shared outcome that everyone can identify with, and he provides very constructive feedback on content, participants, the process and objectives.
The workshop provided insights which the group will develop further. Even in critical situations, the atmosphere was always characterised by a respectful approach and the workshop remained constructive.
I can strongly recommend Klaus Bräuer's support. With his support, the group can concentrate fully on the topics at hand and is always guided and supported such that this kind of event is a complete success.
Many thanks to Klaus Bräuer for the more than valuable support and help.
Thomas EH Walter
Senior Vice President
Division Manager of Powertrain Solutions Aftermarket Business at Robert Bosch GmbH